Forage Services – Maize Harvesting

Our Jaguar 950 forager allows us to harvest large volumes of maize whilst allowing time for good clamp consolidation. The ten row small drum header reduces forward speed and reduces passes across the field, it is perfectly suited to the often variable crops often grown in Hampshire where low cobs can result in significant losses.

The kernel processor is vital in ensuring every grain is cracked, this prevents the grain pass through the cows gut undigested.

We use a 900 series Fendt with a Albutt HD buckrake, with correct ballasting this gives excellent consolidation as the crop is placed into the clamp in thin layers.

Generally a team of four trailers is required to keep the harvester moving. We can supply 34m3 tipping or push off trailers. The push off trailers are much safer emptying as they can be reversed up the clamp and are in no danger of contacting low powerlines or shed roofs.

During 2013 C G Shaw contractors tested several makes of push off trailer and immediately saw the benefits. Over the past two seasons we have worked with KTwo to test and develop their design of push off trailer. This short film shows the trailers in use during 2014.